Peer Review, Peer Assessment, and Self Assessment in Education,
6th International Workshop
(PRASAE 2019),
to be held in conjunction with
ITHET 2019
September 26–27, 2019, Magdeburg, Germany, is seeking papers and demos:
Important Dates
- Full papers due:
June 28 July 8, 2019
- Notification:
July 26 July 30, 2019
- Camera ready: August 23, 2019
Call for Papers
Workshop Topics
PRASAE 2019 focusses on innovative learning strategies related
to peer- and self-derived feedback:
- Peer review and peer assessment
- Group assessment and collaborative assessment
- Self assessment
- Peer tutoring
We seek paper submissions considering these learning strategies in
education, in contexts such as (but not limited to):
- VLEs, MOOCs, web-based learning scenarios, mobile learning, and smart learning environments
- Combining such learning strategies with the educational process in schools and universities
- Their applications in context of informal and self-driven education
- Exploring their relation with social learning and other learning theories
- Development and evaluation of pedagogy and didactic methodology for applying such learning strategies
- Acceptance, motivation and other psychological aspects of these learning strategies
- Meta assessment and other techniques improving such learning strategies
- Analysis and evaluation of learner's outputs from tasks related to these learning strategies
- Development of applications and tools supporting tasks related to these learning strategies
- Use-cases, evaluation, experience
Submission Requirements
Submissions of (a) original research results,
(b) summaries of results recently published, as well as
(c) survey papers, and (d) position papers are encouraged.
The selection of papers will be based on originality and
contribution on one hand, but also on the potential to bring
interesting discussion topics to the workshop.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the
program committee. Successful papers will be accepted for
presentation and included in the ITHET 2019 conference proceedings
in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.
One registration for each accepted paper will be required.
Please refer to submission guidelines for
further details.
Call for Demos
Besides for papers we welcome submission of proposals for live
demonstrations of innovative applications and tools aimed to
support peer review, peer assessment, self assessment, peer tutoring,
and other similar activities in educational practice. These demo
proposals should be submitted in form of a demo paper describing
the tool or application that you plan to showcase.
The same review procedure and registration policy applies on demo papers.
Successful demo proposals will be included in ITHET 2019 proceedings and
demos will be showcased during the workshop.
To submit a demo proposal proceed according to the submission guidelines.