Submission Guidelines
Paper Submission
Papers should be formatted according to Springer's authors' guidelines. Proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, should be used. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.
The review process is blind but not double-blind (i.e., include the names and affiliation of authors in the paper).
Each paper should fit under one of the following submission types and should satisfy the respective maximum length:
- Research papers: (12 to 15 pages). Reports on recent original research results not published elsewhere, including work in progress. The paper should explain your research problem, including motivation and relation to existing work, and must present original research results.
- Survey papers: (12 to 15 pages). Complex overviews of important sub-areas or relevant papers related to distinguished research problems. The paper should motivate the survey and explain its relevance to the PRASAE workshop.
- Position papers: (no less than 6 pages). Short papers highlighting relevant challenges and open issues that the community is facing, as well as arguing out opinions on how to approach them. The paper should outline the problem/opinion you want to argue about, and then summarize your arguments.
- Demo proposals: (no less than 6 pages). Concise descriptions of the application or tool (including prototypes) you want to present; if possible also include a link to a live demo or a video presentation. The demo paper should briefly describe your application or tool, and outline the scenario/features you want to demonstrate. Screenshots are welcome.
If you are in doubt regarding the best type for your submission, feel free to ask us.
All papers should be submitted in PDF using the PRASAE EasyChair system
Registration Requirements
Each accepted paper must be accompanied by at least one full conference registration. For more information regarding registration see the ICWL-SETE 2023 registration page.